Good Day Churpers,
Have you heard the good news yet?
Netccentric is now listed on the Australian Securities Exchange!
The date was 6TH JULY 2015; a date to remember for all of us here in Netccentric. Did you know that Nuffnang, ChurpChurp, NomNom Media, Reelity TV, Ripplewerkz and Dayre all belong to the Netccentric family tree? We have come a long way from the start, and being listed on the Australian Securities Exchange is a benchmark that makes us realise how far we have actually come.
Our bosses all suited up and excited on that day!
P.S: @timothytiah and @bossming, both of you are looking suave and super stylish here!
(CO-FOUNDERS) CEO – Cheo Ming Shen and COO – Timothy Tiah
While this is an achievement that we are all proud of, all of us at Netccentric strongly believe that this is only the starting point to more exciting times ahead!
GOING PUBLIC: Both our bosses officiating Netccentric’s Australian Securities Exchange by ringing the bell of success.
It was indeed a memorable day to remember for each and every one of us! Follow us on Dayre and keep yourself connected to them for the most exclusive updates about what’s happening!
To find out more, get onto their Dayre.
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